Michael Peter Ancher (1849 – 1927)
Michael Peter Ancher (June 9, 1849 – September 19, 1927) was a Danish impressionist artist. He is most associated with his paintings of fishermen and other scenes from the Danish port of Skagen. His paintings are classics and he is probably one of Denmark's most popular artists.

Frants Henningsen (1850-1908)
Frants Henningsen nævnes ofte i samme åndedrag som sin bror Erik Henningsen. De arbejdede indenfor samme motivkreds og i en stil, der har mange fællestræk. Frants Henningsen studerede i modsætning til sin bror i udlandet. Han tog til Leon Bonnats atelier som mange andre af tidens kunstnere og blev formidler af de nye impulser fra Frankrig. Men i modsætning til P.S. Krøyer og Th. Philipsen inddrog Frants Henningsen ikke sine erfaringer fra det franske friluftsmaleri i sit arbejde, men fortsatte med at gennemarbejde sine billeder i traditionel håndværksmæssig og akademisk forstand. Den socialt orienterede naturalisme, der i Frankrig repræsenteredes af Bastien-Lepage og Jules Breton, blev til gengæld et betydningsfuldt udgangspunkt for en meget væsentlig del af hans produktion.
(Frants Henningsen is often mentioned in the same breath as his brother Eric Henningsen. They worked within the same motifs and in a style that has many common features. Frants Henningsen studied in contrast to her brother abroad. He went to Leon Bonnat's studio as many other contemporary artists and was facilitator of the new impetus from France. But unlike afterthought Krøyer and Th. Philipsen withdrew Frants Henningsen not the experience of the French outdoor painting in his work but continued to work through his pictures in traditional craftsmanship and academic sense. The socially oriented naturalism in France was represented by Bastien-Lepage and Jules Breton, was in turn an important starting point for a very substantial part of his production. Google Translate)

Peder Severin Krøyer (1851 - 1909)
Peder Severin Krøyer (23 July 1851 - 21 November 1909), known as P.S. Krøyer, was a Norwegian-Danish painter. He is one of the best known and beloved, and undeniably the most colorful of the Skagen Painters, a community of Danish and Nordic artists who lived, gathered or worked in Skagen, Denmark, especially during the final decades of the 1800s. Krøyer was the unofficial leader of the group.

Italian village workes making hats 1880

Jens Birkholm (1869 - 1915)
Jens Birkholm (11. november 1869 i Fåborg – 11. september 1915) var en dansk maler. Han er søn af skibsfører Christian Jensen Birkholm og Marie Cathrine Illum. Birkholm blev sammen med bl.a Peter Hansen, Johannes Larsen og Fritz Syberg kendt som Fynboerne. Han blev ligesom vennerne Johannes Larsen og Peter Hansen uddannet som malersvend i Fåborg og brugte sin fritid på at tegne og male. Han fik aldrig en kunstnerisk uddannelse, men blev indirekte påvirket af Kristian Zahrtmann gennem sine malervenner.
(Jens Birkholm (11 November 1869 Faaborg - 11 September 1915) was a Danish painter. He is the son of captain Christian Jensen Birkholm and Marie Catherine Illum. Birkholm was with particular Peter Hansen, John Larsen, Fritz Syberg known as Fynbo remarks. He was like his friends John Larsen, Peter Hansen trained as a painter's apprentice in Faaborg and spent his spare time drawing and painting. He never got an artistic education, but was indirectly influenced by Kristian Zahrtmann through his painter friends. Google Translate)
For at undgå militærtjeneste rejste han som rejsende svend rundt i Tyskland og Schweiz og arbejdede som maler, indtil han i 1891 som 22-årig slog sig ned i Berlin, hvor han skildrede mennesker i social nød blandt samfundets fattigste i herberger og varmehaller.
(In order to avoid military service, he traveled as a traveler companion around in Germany and Switzerland and worked as a painter until he in 1891 as 22-year-old settled in Berlin, where he depicted people in social distress among society's poorest people in shelters and hot baths. Google Translate)

Jens Birkholm Gospel of the Poor (1900)
(This painting by Jens Birkholm (1869-1915) depicts a Social Democratic agitation meeting. A gleaming bust of Karl Marx assumes pride of place in the right background – as do the police officers seated directly beneath it. Presumably, they have come to monitor the meeting and will break it up at the slightest hint of unlawful activity. Birkholm has portrayed himself as the speaker.

World (Social) Realist Art (Index of Countries)
This blog page is part of an ongoing project by artist and part-time lecturer Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin (http://gaelart.net/) to explore Realist / Social Realist art from around the world. The term Realism is used in its broadest sense to include 19th century Realism and Naturalism as well as 20th century Impressionism (which after all was following in the path of Courbet and Millet). Social Realism covers art that seeks to examine the living and working conditions of ordinary people (examples include German Expressionism, American Ashcan School and the Mexican Muralists).
Click here for (Social) Realist Art Definitions, World (Social) Realism and Global Solidarity, Art and Politics, Social Realism in history and Country Index.
Suggestions for appropriate artists from around the world welcome to caoimhghin@yahoo.com.
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