Sakhi Romanov (1926-2002)
Folk artist of Kazakhstan (1981). Artist of the cinema, graph, painter. Finished the All-union institute of cinematography (1955). Worked on a studio «Kazakhfil'm», was the artist-producer of many interesting films, that imposed an imprint on all his machine creation. His painting is energetic, multicoloured and showy.

Shardenov Zhanatai
Folk artist of Kazakhstan. Has finished Almaty theatrically-art school of the name of Gogol in 1949 and two years studied in the Leningrad institute of painting, sculptures and architectures of the name of Repin. Leading landscape-painter of Kazakhstan, possessed the especially individual handwriting. Worked in a pastes manner, very liked to paint mountains.

Sharipov A. (1964)
Was born in 1964 in Gijduvan Bukharas area. Graduated the Samarkand State Architecturally-building Institute it. Mirzo-Ulugbeka in 1989. Taught on faculty of figure up to 2000.

Rashid Kulbatyrov Utepbergenovich (1967)
Rashid Kulbatyrov Utepbergenovich was born in 1967 in Aktobe region. He has graduated from Art department in Aktobe city on 1986 and from Abaya Graphic Art Department on 1995. He takes an active part in international and national exhibitions. Held several solo exhibitions (City: Aktau, Almaty, Aktobe, Astana). 2002 Winner of the international youth festival «Shabyt». 2005 International Festival «The Caspian Sea of Friendship» 3 place.Besides painting Kulbatyrov Rashid wrote watercolor, light and filled with air, but with a carefully prescribed details.In the work of this artist can see a few prevailing view, it is – the landscape, everyday scenes and games that illustrate the ancient traditions of the nomads. In all landscapes Rashid, either watercolor or oil, there is a special inner state of harmony, which allows you to «tune in» to the contemplation of and appreciate the beauty of work.Pictures Kulbatyrov Rashid writes in a light, expressive style, perfectly conveying dynamic strokes racing clouds and foaming waves of the sea or the excitement of the races. The works of this artist mountains, made in silver scale, appear before the audience beautiful and majestic.

Fridlin Yevgeniy (1974)
Was born in 1974 in Pavlodar. Has ended Pavlodar art college, the winner of the nominal premium of Aubakir Ismailov, festival " Shabyt-2003 " Works are in: the Pavlodar regional art museum (Pavlodar), the Museum of the fine arts of Family Nevzorovy (Semey), the State museum of arts of name Kasteev (Almaty), assembly of ATF-BANK (Almaty), gallery of the modern art "Ular" , private collections of Kazakhstan, Poland, Germany, the USA, France, Italy...

World (Social) Realist Art (Index of Countries)
This blog page is part of an ongoing project by artist and part-time lecturer Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin ( to explore Realist / Social Realist art from around the world. The term Realism is used in its broadest sense to include 19th century Realism and Naturalism as well as 20th century Impressionism (which after all was following in the path of Courbet and Millet). Social Realism covers art that seeks to examine the living and working conditions of ordinary people (examples include German Expressionism, American Ashcan School and the Mexican Muralists).
Click here for (Social) Realist Art Definitions, World (Social) Realism and Global Solidarity, Art and Politics, Social Realism in history and Country Index.
Suggestions for appropriate artists from around the world welcome to
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