Stanisław Lentz (1861 - 1920)
Stanisław Lentz (ur. 23 kwietnia 1861 w Warszawie, zm. 19 października 1920 tamże) - polski malarz, portrecista, ilustrator, profesor warszawskiej Szkoły Sztuk Pięknych od 1909. Studiował w krakowskiej Szkole Sztuk Pięknych u Feliksa Szynalewskiego i Izydora Jabłońskiego w latach 1877-1879, kontynuował naukę w Warszawie, w Klasie Rysunkowej Wojciecha Gersona. Później studiował za granicą: w akademii monachijskiej (u Aleksandra Wagnera i Gyuli Benczura, 1880-1884) oraz w paryskiej Académie Julian (1884-1887). Po powrocie do Warszawy nawiązał współpracę z czasopismami. Jego ilustracje publikowały: Kłosy (1887-1890), Tygodnik Ilustrowany (1887-1898, 1905-1906, 1909-1910),
Stanisław Lentz (ur. 23 kwietnia 1861 w Warszawie, zm. 19 października 1920 tamże) - polski malarz, portrecista, ilustrator, profesor warszawskiej Szkoły Sztuk Pięknych od 1909. Studiował w krakowskiej Szkole Sztuk Pięknych u Feliksa Szynalewskiego i Izydora Jabłońskiego w latach 1877-1879, kontynuował naukę w Warszawie, w Klasie Rysunkowej Wojciecha Gersona. Później studiował za granicą: w akademii monachijskiej (u Aleksandra Wagnera i Gyuli Benczura, 1880-1884) oraz w paryskiej Académie Julian (1884-1887). Po powrocie do Warszawy nawiązał współpracę z czasopismami. Jego ilustracje publikowały: Kłosy (1887-1890), Tygodnik Ilustrowany (1887-1898, 1905-1906, 1909-1910),
Kurier Codzienny (1890-1891) W 1888 został członkiem rzeczywistym Towarzystwa Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych. W 1910 wstąpił do Towarzystwa Artystów Polskich "Sztuka". Podróżował często za granicę: w 1896 przebywał w Berlinie, Paryżu i Madrycie, w 1897 odwiedził Paryż, w 1900 Normandię, w latach 1903-1914 (z wyjątkiem 1904) spędzał z żoną lato w Scheveningen w Holandii. Został mianowany profesorem Szkoły Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie w 1909, jednocześnie obejmując stanowisko dyrektora. W 1915 powierzono mu tę funkcję dożywotnio. Został pochowany na Starych Powązkach (kw. 32).
Stanisław Lentz (born April 23, 1861 in Warsaw, died. October 19, 1920 ibid) - Polish painter, portraitist, illustrator, professor of Warsaw School of Fine Arts since 1909.
Stanisław Lentz (born April 23, 1861 in Warsaw, died. October 19, 1920 ibid) - Polish painter, portraitist, illustrator, professor of Warsaw School of Fine Arts since 1909.
He studied at the Cracow Academy of Fine Arts under Felix and Isidore Szynalewski Jablonski in the years 1877-1879, he continued his studies in Warsaw, Wojciech Gerson School of Drawing. Later he studied abroad in Munich Academy (with Alexander Wagner and Gyula Benczur, 1880-1884) and the Académie Julian in Paris (1884-1887.)Upon returning to Warsaw, has partnered with magazines. His illustrations published: Ears (1887-1890), Illustrated Weekly (1887-1898, 1905-1906, 1909-1910),
Daily Courier (1890-1891) In 1888 he was member of the Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts. In 1910 he joined the Society of Polish Artists "Art". He traveled frequently abroad: in 1896 he lived in Berlin, Paris and Madrid, in 1897 visited Paris, in 1900, Normandy, in the years 1903-1914 (except 1904) and his wife spent the summer in Scheveningen, the Netherlands. He was appointed professor at the School of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 1909, while the post of Director. In 1915 he was entrusted with this function for life. He was buried in Old Powazki (square 32).(Google Translate)

Konrad Krzyżanowski (1872-1922)
Konrad Krzyżanowski (1872-1922) was a Polish painter of powerful expressionist landscapes and vivid portraits, born in Kremenchuk in Ukraine. His art studies began in Kiev and were continued in St. Petersburg and Munich. In Warsaw he was a professor at the School of Fine Arts. He took his students for summer open–air sessions around Poland and to Lithuania and Finland. His seascapes were painted mostly in Finland. His works are mentioned briefly in a review of a show of "Independents" at the Royal Albert Hall, published in The New Age, Vol 5, p256. Krzyżanowski died in Warsaw.

Wojciech Weiss (1875 – 1950)
Wojciech Weiss (1875 – 1950) was a prominent Polish painter and draughtsman of the Young Poland movement. Weiss was born in Bukovina to a Polish family in exile of Stanisław Weiss and Maria Kopaczyńska. He gave up music training to study art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków under Leon Wyczółkowski. Weiss originally painted historical or mythological paintings, but later switched to Expressionism after being profoundly influenced by Stanisław Przybyszewski. Weiss later became a member of the Vienna Secession. He was one of the first Polish Art Nouveau poster designers. Near the end of his life, he made several significant contributions to paintings of the Socialist realism in Poland.

World (Social) Realist Art (Index of Countries)
This blog page is part of an ongoing project by artist and part-time lecturer Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin ( to explore Realist / Social Realist art from around the world. The term Realism is used in its broadest sense to include 19th century Realism and Naturalism as well as 20th century Impressionism (which after all was following in the path of Courbet and Millet). Social Realism covers art that seeks to examine the living and working conditions of ordinary people (examples include German Expressionism, American Ashcan School and the Mexican Muralists).
Click here for (Social) Realist Art Definitions, World (Social) Realism and Global Solidarity, Art and Politics, Social Realism in history and Country Index.
Suggestions for appropriate artists from around the world welcome to
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