Martin Bosman (1984)
Martin Bosman was born in 1984, Swakopmund, Namibia. Finished Matrik in 2004. Although his artistic creativity was already recognised at school Martin displayed little interest to pursue his obvious talent at that time. Martin has always yearned to pursue a career in architecture. It was after completing school that Martin started developing his unique artistic style. Soon he discovered that his work appealed to many lovers of art as his paintings were bought. In 2007 Bank Windhoek Biennale he hit the high price barrier with one of his works, that was bought by Mr Blachere from “ Blachere Art Foundation “ in Marseilles.
Martins realism art allow the depiction of subjects as they appear in everyday life. His drawings consists of landscape and people in traditional setting. The paintings include different people from all the ethnic groups of Namibia. “ I feel this way I will help Namibia preserve its heritage and culture”, says Bosman. Bosman is a fulltime artist and although he has never had formal training in the trade of art, his natural talent earned him respect in the art industry.

World (Social) Realist Art (Index of Countries)
This blog page is part of an ongoing project by artist and part-time lecturer Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin ( to explore Realist / Social Realist art from around the world. The term Realism is used in its broadest sense to include 19th century Realism and Naturalism as well as 20th century Impressionism (which after all was following in the path of Courbet and Millet). Social Realism covers art that seeks to examine the living and working conditions of ordinary people (examples include German Expressionism, American Ashcan School and the Mexican Muralists).
Click here for (Social) Realist Art Definitions, World (Social) Realism and Global Solidarity, Art and Politics, Social Realism in history and Country Index.
Suggestions for appropriate artists from around the world welcome to
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